We believe work place environment is the most important factor to get the best performance from the employees. Our goal is to exceed requirements of local legislation and reach the global standards, and thereby support clients' images and sourcing principles. Our factories strictly maintain safe, healthy and hygienic provisions as per ILO and Bangladesh Labour Act, 2006. We also believe in quality cannot compromise with quantity. Our factories are quality management systems.
Terry Tex Ltd adopts a thorough selection process for garment manufacturer ensuring only those that are totally committed to exceeding our high ethical standard become appointed suppliers..
We recognize and honour our duty to protect the workforce used in the manufacture.
We also ensure the factory has the following facilities employees:
Regarding safety we ensure the factory has taken minimum level of precautions against fire, mechanical and chemical hazards. There are clearly marked evacuation zones and routes to be used in emergencies along with fire safety equipments like fire hydrants, smoke detector, fire detector, gas mask, lock cutter etc. As per BSCI, instructions and warning signs are posted in highly visible places, inside the factory and in local language (Bengal).
In order to ensure continued compliance, are manufacturers are frequently inspected and reported by local independent agents. As a further safeguard, unannounced inspections are regularly made by Terry Tex Ltd management .
If you have concern of any workplace, please do not hesitate to contact us. Up-to-date audit reports are available on request.
We are a reliable garments buying house committed to delivering exceptional sourcing solutions. With our expertise and industry connections, we ensure quality, efficiency, and customer satisfaction. Choose us as your trusted partner in garment sourcing.
Contact Us
Eng Ashraful islam
Apartment-G1, Building-62, Hili Complex, Al Ain City, UAE (Head Office)
(BANGLADESH OFFICE) House - 8, Road - 639, Block - C, West Masdair Paka Pul, Fathullah, Narayangonj-1400